Federal Concrete Project
U.S. Army Corps FY18 Ground Transportation Improvements

Scope of Work
The project consisted of clearing and grubbing existing vegetation 6’ outside of the existing asphalt road prism. Pipe culverts were replaced, ditches cleaned, erosion repaired, and drainage ways reestablished. The existing roadway was demolished in place and structural section reconstructed.
Key Project Elements
- Installed caissons, concrete abutments, and anchoring of the
pedestrian bridge. - Added 18,900 square feet of 8” nominal thickness Portland concrete cement (650 Flex) apron around Ground Transport Equipment Building
- Also included various outbuilding pads and facilities constructed with 650 Flex PCC within GTEB compound: POL tank pad 4250 square feet, containment pad 720 square
feet, wash pad and ramp 3016 square feet, and 424 square foot valley gutter.
Project Location:
Fort Huachuca, Arizona
Project Owner:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Project Timeline:
April 2023 – Current
Contract Amount:
$ 1,295,000.00


Contact Us
Whelcon Contractors LLC
1 West Wetmore Road, Suite 203
Tucson, AZ 85705
Phone: (520) 314-2001