Local Municipality Utility and Concrete Project

Hawks Package 1

237110, 237310, NAICS CODES

Scope of Work

With the increase of local foot and bike traffic, Whelcon Contractors managed the construction of new HAWKS Pedestrian pathways to ensure civilian safety when crossing major roadways. These new HAWKS crossings included the installment of ADA-compliant access ramps, utility adjustments, sign and traffic signal placement, and new stripping for roadway crosswalks. New crossings were placed at Campbell Ave and Wyoming Street, 6th Ave and Ohio Street, as well as 22nd Street and Irving Ave.

Key Project Elements
  • 21 Square Feet Concrete Median Pavement
  • 1,680 Square Feet Concrete Sidewalk
  • 1,229 Square Feet Concrete Access Ramp
  • 395 Square Feet Concrete Bus Shelter Pad

Project Location:

Tucson, Arizona

Project Owner:

City of Tucson

Project Timeline:

April 2022 – July 2022

Contract Amount:


Contact Us

Whelcon Contractors LLC
1 West Wetmore Road, Suite 203
Tucson, AZ 85705

Phone: (520) 314-2001